Reflexionar largo y tendido antes de jugar Keno

Sunday, 29. November 2009

[ English ]

El Keno es un juego de puro azar, y está muy cerca de los juegos de lotería. El juego fue llevado a los EE.UU. por los inmigrantes chinos en el siglo 19. Al igual que con los juegos de lotería, es muy fácil de jugar, y es atractivo como grandes premios se ofrecen para que las apuestas muy pequeñas. Keno se disfruta en los bares, clubes y centro de recreación en todo el planeta hoy. Por desgracia, otra debilidad de acciones con los juegos de lotería – probabilidades horrendo.

Por la razón, Keno suceder a su manera en los casinos en línea, ya que era un juego fácil de desarrollar, y los propietarios de software de casino en línea querían atrapar la tierra enormes reproductores basados en Keno en Internet. Lo que es aún más en el favor de los casinos en línea es que mucha gente se utilizaron para apostar a Keno en las pantallas electrónicas, por lo que la línea se mueve menos de un gravamen que, por ejemplo con vingt-et-un.

Así que aquí es cómo disfrutar de Keno. Empiezas por la que se nombra de entre 4 y diez números de un total de 80 números. Cada opción se llama "in situ". En muchos juegos de keno internet, usted puede comprar varias tarjetas para el sorteo mismo, y, en algunos juegos puede incluso pre-orden para los próximos juegos.

Después de haber presentado sus opciones, 20 bolas con números "caída" en una cápsula de un tubo. Si una cantidad suficiente de sus puntos se recogen, usted gana. Eso es todo lo que hay. Obviamente va a ganar más, si más de sus puntos de llegar, al igual que con las loterías.

La mayoría de los juegos del Keno en línea le permiten comprar tarjetas de entre 5 quater y cinco dólares, y pagar en múltiplos del valor de su billete. Ganado el premio de hasta 50.000 dólares no son infrecuentes.

¿Simple? Si. Así que tiene que ser un problema? Sí. El borde del casino con Keno es de 30% o más, el peor de cualquier juego de casino de Internet. Las probabilidades de aterrizar en un número es 0.25percent. El Keno es por un margen de tiempo el juego atroz que posiblemente puede apostar a. Si quieres un juego de la apuesta de la especulación en las máquinas tragaperras.

Riflettere a lungo e duramente prima di giocare Keno

Sunday, 29. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Keno è un gioco d'azzardo puro, ed è molto vicino al gioco del Lotto. Il gioco è stato portato negli Stati Uniti dagli immigrati cinesi nel 19 ° secolo. Come con i giochi della lotteria, è molto facile da giocare, ed è interessante come grandi premi sono offerti per le scommesse molto piccola. Keno è fruito in bar, club e centro rec in tutto il pianeta oggi. Purtroppo parti un altro punto debole con i giochi della lotteria – Quote orrendi.

Dalla ragione, Keno capita su strada nel casinò on-line come è stato un gioco facile da sviluppare, e proprietari di software di casinò online ha voluto prendere la terra enorme base giocatori Keno su Internet. Qual è stato ancora di più in favore dei casinò online è che molte persone sono state usate per le scommesse su Keno su schermi elettronici, in modo da spostare la linea era meno di un ingombro di dire con Vingt-et-un.

Ecco come vi piace Keno. Si inizia con la nomina di off tra i 4 ei dieci numeri da un totale di 80 numeri. Ogni scelta è chiamata "spot". In molti giochi keno internet, è possibile acquistare schede multiple per il sorteggio stesso, e in alcuni giochi è anche possibile pre-ordine per i giochi a venire.

Dopo aver presentato le vostre scelte, 20 palline con i numeri si "cadere" in una capsula da un tubo. Se un numero sufficiente di tutti i punti vengono raccolte, si vince. Questo è tutto quello che c'è. È evidente che vincere di più, se più del tuo spot trovare, come con le lotterie.

La maggior parte dei giochi keno online ti permettono di acquistare le carte tra 5c e cinque dollari, e pagare in multipli del valore del biglietto. Le vincite del Jackpot di fino a 50.000 dollari, non sono infrequenti.

Semplice? Yeah. Quindi ci deve essere un problema? Sì. Il bordo del casino con Keno è del 30% o superiore, la peggiore di qualsiasi gioco in internet casino. Le probabilità di atterraggio su un numero è 0.25percent. Keno è da un margine di tempo il gioco atroce si può eventualmente scommettere su. Se volete un gioco di scommessa speculazione sulle slot machine.

Ponder lang und hart, bevor Sie spielen Keno

Sunday, 29. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Keno ist ein Spiel von Zufall und ist sehr zu Lotteriespielen schließen. Das Spiel wurde in die USA von chinesischen Migranten im 19. Jahrhundert gebracht. Wie bei Lotto-Spielen, ist es ein sehr einfach zu spielen, und es ist interessanter, da große Preise für sehr kleine Wetten angeboten werden. Keno ist in Bars, Clubs und rec-Center auf der ganzen Welt heute genießt. Leider ist es mit der Aktie eine weitere Schwäche Lotteriespielen – horrende Quoten.

Auf Grund, Keno geschehen auf dem Weg in Online-Casinos, wie es war ein leichtes Spiel zu entwickeln, und Online-Casino-Software Eigentümer wollten die großen landseitige Keno Spieler im Internet zu fangen. Was war noch in der Gunst der Online-Casinos war, dass viele Menschen, die Wetten auf Keno wurden auf elektronischen Bildschirmen verwendet, so dass der Umzug online war weniger eine Belastung als zum Beispiel mit vingt-et-un.

Hier ist also, wie Sie genießen Keno. Man beginnt mit der Ernennung von 4 bis zehn Zahlen von insgesamt 80 Zahlen. Jede Wahl wird als "Spot". In vielen Internet-Keno-Spiel können Sie mehrere Karten für die gleiche ziehen zu kaufen, und in einigen Spielen kann man sogar Pre-Order für die kommenden Spiele.

Nachdem Sie Ihre Auswahl getroffen haben, 20 Kugeln mit den Nummern werden "drop" in eine Kapsel aus einem Rohr vorgelegt. Wenn Sie genug von Ihrem Spots werden gepflückt, haben Sie gewonnen. Das ist alles. Sie werden natürlich gewinnen Sie mehr, wenn Sie mehr aus Ihrem Flecken kommen, wie bei Lotterien.

Die meisten Online-Keno-Spiel können Sie die Karten zwischen 5c und fünf Dollar zu kaufen, und zahlen ein Vielfaches Ihres Tickets Wert. Jackpot-Gewinne von bis zu 50.000 US-Dollar sind keine Seltenheit.

Einfach? Yeah. So muss es ein Problem? Ja. Das Casino Rand mit Keno ist 30% oder mehr, die schlimmste aller Internet-Casino-Spiel. Die Chancen der Landung auf eine Zahl 0.25percent. Keno ist durch eine lange Spanne der grausamen Spiel können Sie möglicherweise Spekulation auf. Wenn Sie ein Spiel der Spekulation Wette auf Spielautomaten.

Ponder long et difficile avant de jouer Keno

Sunday, 29. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Keno est un jeu de hasard pur et est très proche des jeux de loterie. Le jeu a été introduit aux Etats-Unis par les migrants chinois dans le 19ème siècle. Comme pour les jeux de loterie, il est très facile à jouer, et il est aussi attrayante que grands prix sont offerts pour que les paris minuscules. Keno est apprécié dans les bars, les clubs et le centre de cons partout sur la planète aujourd'hui. Malheureusement, il partage une autre faiblesse avec des jeux de loterie – Cotes horribles.

Par la raison, Keno arriver sur son chemin dans les casinos en ligne puisqu'il s'agit d'un jeu facile à développer, et les propriétaires de logiciels de casino en ligne a voulu rejoindre la terre immense les joueurs sur le Keno sur internet. Ce qui était encore plus dans la faveur des casinos en ligne est que de nombreuses personnes ont été utilisés pour des paris sportifs sur le Keno sur des écrans électroniques, de sorte que le déménagement en ligne a été moins d'une charge de dire avec vingt-et-un.

Voici donc comment vous appréciez Keno. Vous commencez par la nomination de 4 à dix numéros sur un total de 80 nombres. Chaque choix est appelé une «tache». Dans de nombreux jeux de keno internet, vous pouvez acheter des cartes multiples pour le même tirage, et dans quelques parties, vous pouvez même en pré-commande pour les prochains matchs.

Après avoir soumis vos choix, 20 balles avec des numéros faut «laisser tomber» dans une capsule à partir d'un tube. Si assez de vos taches sont cueillis, vous gagnez. C'est tout ce qui existe. Vous devrez évidemment gagner plus, si plusieurs de vos spots monter, comme avec les loteries.

La plupart des jeux de keno en ligne vous permettent d'acheter des cartes entre 5c et cinq dollars, et verser en multiples de la valeur de votre billet. Les gains du Jackpot d'un maximum de 50.000 dollars ne sont pas rares.

Simple? Ouais. Donc il doit y avoir un problème? Oui. Le bord de casino avec le Kéno est de 30% ou plus, le pire de tout jeu de casino internet. Les chances d'un atterrissage sur un nombre est 0.25percent. Keno est par une marge de temps le jeu atroce, vous pouvez éventuellement parier sur. Si vous voulez un jeu de pari spéculation sur les machines à sous.

How to Bet on Keno

Thursday, 19. November 2009

[ English ]

Keno is possibly the simplest casino games to gamble on. When you learn how to wager on Keno, you will be able to find a Keno game in nearly any Atlantic City casino or internet casino. Very much like Lotto, Keno started in China and was imported to the U.S. by Chinese expatriates in the mid-1800s. One of the main reasons to be taught how to play Keno is the possible winnings: in most net casinos, a one dollar bet can produce up to $50,000 in payouts. The regulations for how to enjoy Keno are as easy as playing your state’s lottery.

Do you want to learn how to gamble on Keno? There are no cards required in this easy game of chance. Keno play is comprised of picking a min of 4 and a maximum of 10 numbers, called spots, between one and 80. Your game is described depending on the number of numbers you pick; for example, if you pick 8 numbers, you’re enjoying eight-spot Keno. Winning numbers for any Keno game are selected at random, and winners are decided on by how many of your numbers match the winning numbers. In some cases, such as in 10-spot Keno, payouts are given if you do not match a single one of the numbers. If you are aware of how to bet on the lotto, you understand how to gamble on Keno!

Regularly, there are two choices for how to enjoy Keno. In nearly all of the Sin City casinos there are Keno rooms specially designated for enjoying Keno. Screens known as Keno game boards are located in the lounge and display the results of every Keno draw. Almost all casinos hold Keno draws every 10 or 20 mins. For individuals who want to be a participant in Keno from outside the lounge, Vegas casinos have Keno tvs all over the hall to show the results, and employees referred to as Keno runner circulating amongst the patrons, who will collect your keno card and return with your profit. Understanding how to wager on Keno means you’ll always have a game taking place when you are at the casino!

Another way to wager on Keno is video Keno. This is the version playable at net casinos. Electronic Keno is quite similar to real-time Keno, except you do not need to wait 10 minutes between games. Like slot machines, you can gamble on electronic Keno as frequently as you desire. The pay outs for video Keno can be as big as one hundred thousand dollars on a one dollar bet. Electronic Keno can for found at almost every internet casino. So, now you understand how to enjoy Keno.

Introducing Keno

Tuesday, 17. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Keno is one of those games you either have knowledge of or you do not. It is typically considered a lotto in the casino. Similar to the lottery, the game consists of numbers being selected. The goal is to select the numbers that will be selected. The game of Keno can be either swift or leisurely based on the casino. By betting on Keno on the web you can set the pace of the game. Personally, I prefer live keno. You sit in a lounge, if you like, and play. Keno is a game that you do not need to be in the lounge to participate and win. For instance, you can purchase a ticket for 20 games and then head off to compete in another game in the casino or even your suite if you’re staying in the casino.

Keno Board

The game is bet on on a board. The Keno game board consists of eighty numbers – number one though eighty. The top forty are referred to as the top portion and the second forty are called the bottom half.

Playing Keno

Every game of Keno plays out in the same manner. The game commences, and twenty numbers are selected. The casino may be using the ball system. Ping pong style balls are sucked up and selected, just like the lotto on TV. Some other casinos utilize pc’s. If a number you checked is chosen, that is referred to as a "hit." When all 20 numbers have been picked, the game concludes and winning tickets are paid.

There is a fair amount of options in the game of Keno. For example, you could select one number, 2 numbers and so forth-up to twenty numbers. Typically, you have to hit a majority of your numbers to come away with something. For instance, if you select 6 numbers, you will generally need to get 3 to earn your cash back.

Keno Payouts

The pay outs in Keno are fairly good. The probability of winning will be dependent on the total numbers checked. For example, if you pick two numbers, you have a 6% probability of hitting your ticket. Every casino has their own payouts. If you are going to play on the web, be sure you look around for the biggest pay outs first.

Ponder Long And Hard Before You Play Keno

Thursday, 5. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Keno is a game of pure chance and is very close to lottery games. The game was brought to the USA by Chinese migrants in the 19th century. As with lottery games, it’s a very easy to play, and it is appealing as big prizes are offered for very tiny bets. Keno is enjoyed at bars, clubs and rec center all over the planet today. Unfortunately it shares another weakness with lottery games – horrendous odds.

By reason, Keno happen upon its way into online casinos as it was an easy game to develop, and online casino software owners wanted to catch the huge land based Keno players on the internet. What was even more in the favor of online casinos was that many people were used to betting on Keno on electronic screens, so the move online was less of a encumbrance than say with vingt-et-un.

So here is how you enjoy Keno. You start off by appointing between 4 and ten numbers from a total of 80 numbers. Each choice is called a "spot". In many internet keno games, you can purchase multiple cards for the same draw, and in a few games you can even pre-order for upcoming games.

After you have submitted your choices, 20 balls with numbers will "drop" into a capsule from a tube. If enough of your spots are picked, you win. That is all there is. You will obviously win more, if more of your spots come up, like with lotteries.

Most online keno games allow you to buy cards between 5c and five dollars, and pay out in multiples of your ticket value. Jackpot winnings of up to 50,000 dollars are not uncommon.

Simple? Yeah. So there has to be a problem? Yes. The casino edge with Keno is 30% or greater, the WORST of any internet casino game. The odds of landing on a number is 0.25percent. Keno is by a long margin the atrocious game you can possibly gamble on. If you want a game of speculation wager on slot machines.

Dream Long And Very Hard Before You Play Keno

Wednesday, 4. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Keno is a casino game of absolute speculation and is especially close to Lottery games. The game was brought to the USA by Chinese expatriates in the Nineteenth century. As withlotto games, it’s a dead unsophisticated to enjoy, and it’s attractive as huge jackpots are on offer for incredibly tiny wagers. Keno is bet on at lounges, clubs and community centers all over the world. Discouragingly it has a further similarities with lotto games – horrible expectations.

Rationally, Keno found its way into internet gambling halls as it was a simple game to develop, and gambling hall owners wanted to capture the ample brick and mortar Keno players on the net. What was even more in the favour of net gambling halls was that a good many people were accustomed to betting on Keno on electronic terminals, so the switch on the internet was a lower hurdle that say with vingt-et-un.

Net Keno games is mirror image of land based Keno games in as far as the details of the game. Net Keno also allows you to purchase tickets for between 5 cents and 5 dollars, and pay out in multiples of your ticket amount. Prizes surpassing 50,000 dollars are common place.

Easy? Yeah. So there must be a hook? Yeah. The casino advantage with Keno is 30 percent or more, the absolute worst of any internet gambling den game. The probabilities of landing on a number is 0.25%. Keno is by a huge margin the poorest casino game you possibly could play. If you want a casino game of speculation play one armed bandits. If you want to squander money, play Keno. Particularly few gamblers actually make any meaningful money.